I try to make something 1 day, that can be used again the following day
if leftovers.
L- Burgers/fries/veggies &dip
D-Spag(with puree veggies/cut up burgers)
Sun(no naps)
L-skiing Bento boxes
D-Baked chicken and
Mon(no naps)
quesadilla& chicken
D-Pork chops/cauliflower with cheese sauce
& rice
cheese& tom soup/cucumbers
D-chicken meatball
Wed (no naps)
D-Kids-cheesy pasta (leftover cheese sauce)
Us- Stirfry
Thurs (no naps)
D-leftovers/ or Hamburg
L-tuna melts
D salmon/rice/veg
So the other thing that is something that would make my mother cringe..is to have white with white on the plate. Growing up
as farmers meant we had lots of meat/potato/veggies on our plate. However to have fish, cauliflower, and rice all on the plate was never seen.
I also try to write what is going on that week. Swim times, ski times, if the children will have a nap. The reason for this is it changes what we have. If the children don’t have a nap, it means they go to bed extremely early (5:15/5:30). Often there isn’t time for me to prepare a big dinner, so they will eat bento boxes with cut up veggies/ fruit/ little bites of dinner.
I have to feed my youngest at 4ish, otherwise she does the 100 mile stare, and at the same time stating don’t look at me. As a side note (when your parents state..I hope you have children just like you were..their wish comes true). If you follow me on twitter you will see I follow a couple of people that are fab at bento boxes (make them into pirates/angry birds/etc etc.) Mine are nothing like that, though I do sometimes make gingerbread men out of sandwiches.
Bento box tweeters: